e-books created by the Austrian Comenius team

format ibooks epub3
OS iOS Android, Windows
 fire_ibook_icon     fire on the ISS  fire_epub3_icon     fire on the ISS
 remote_sens_ibook_icon     ISS remote sensing  remote_sens_epub3_icon     ISS remote sensing
 iss_ibook_icon     reading comprehension  iss_ibook_icon   reading comprehension

All ebooks with file format ibooks can only be read by the e-reader ibook. The ibook reader is installed on MacBooks, iPads and iPhones.
All ebooks with file format epub3 can be read by various e-readers. Unfortunately the results can be quite different. The best result is achieved with the free e-reader azardi (http://azardi.infogridpacific.com/azardi-download.html ).
You have to download the epub3 file and then open it with e-reader azardi.